Children’s book – An Arctic Quest

Barnbok och animation från Grönland

If you have found the power to believe in your inner self, you will have the confidence to manage most things – even if it means jumping willfully into the jaws of a roaring bear…

Whispered an old magic spell that should be used while rubbing the stones

Malin Skinnar animates Minik & Pani

Minik & Pani

We are looking for a creative publisher and film producer. Read more about the creators; Malin Skinnar and Ingvar Karpsten.

Illustration Malin Skinnar, Greenland hunting hut
Illustration malin Skinnar, Sermiligaq sunset
Illustration Malin Skinnar, chulderen´s book Minik & Pani

At the foundation of this children’s book  about Minik & Pani; lies the way of life and view of the world of the Arctics: A story about finding one’s courage through playfulness, and to find the inner peace to deal with that which may be inevitable.

The blue hour, east Greenland

An Arctic quest from Greenland - illustration malin Skinnar
Illustration Malin Skinnar, Greenlandic family

This story  is about the six-year-old children Pani and Minik, about how they defy fear and meet a polar bear and how they end up in its stomach, and escape empowered and transformed.

How their parents lovingly prepare them to face their fears, and how they through being cunning and clever and courageous avoid becoming paralyzed, but rather act and overcome the threat.

At the foundation lies the way of life and view of the world of the Arctics: A story about finding one’s courage through playfulness, and to find the inner peace to deal with that which may be inevitable.

Good night story from Greenland about courage
Family asleep in the greenlandic hut
Children's book and animation Greenland

In the mountains of Greenland - illustration Malin Skinnar

Children´s book about the polar bear and two kids in Greenland by M Skinnar and I Karpsten

Minik & Pani - Malin Skinnar
Illustration Malin Skinnar, animation from Greenland
Dance for your life, illustration M Skinnar
Dancing polar bear - Children´s book
Children in the belly of the polar bear
An Arctic Quest by Malin Skinnar and Ingvar Karpsten
The polar bear laughing so loud and so hard that the icebergs cracked
Barnbok från Grönland
Barnbok från Grönland av Malin Skinnar
Strong kids in the Arctic - children's book
Children's book from Greenland by Malin Skinnar and Ingvar Karpsten
Their father carried them home to their hut, and when their mother found the magic rocks
Illustration Malin Skinnar, hut in Greenland
Children´s book and animation from Greenland, Tasiilaq
Children's book and animation from Greenland
Dawn over Tasiilaq, Ammassalik, Greenland

Malin Skinnar video creator, storyteller and visual artist